
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Filling Easter eggs

Looking for some ideas on what to put in your child's Easter eggs this year. I found lots of great ones online.
Here are some of the ideas if found:

For boys:
hot wheels, army men

For girls:
lip smackers, hair barrettes/bows, small nail polish, dress up jewelry

Other toys:
stickers, finger puppets, bouncy balls, whistle, mini bottle of bubbles, silly putty, play dough, jacks, marbles, cartoon band-aids (children love to put them all over their body), money (start saving!), decorative shoe laces

Cheerios, mini M&M's, Lucky Charms, bite size candy bars such as Milky Way, animal cracker, Teddy Grahams, trail mix, fruit snacks, McDonald's/Wendy's coupons, Goldfish crackers, dried fruit, chocolate Kisses, gum

Peeps, jelly beans (cut them in half for toddlers)

*art: pom poms, ribbon, yarn, crayons, wiggly eyes, foam shapes, beads
*ice cream sundae: cookie crumbs, nuts, gummy worms, mini M&M's (have bowls, ice cream, whip cream, syrup and other toppings ready for a fun treat after all the eggs have been found)
*puzzle: puzzle pieces to the same puzzle (as a group do the puzzle together after all the pieces have been found) (OR a green colored egg for example can hold all of the pieces to one puzzle, all of the purple eggs have another puzzle and so on. Each child finds only their colored eggs for their own puzzle)
*lego sets: same idea as the puzzle

**If you have toddlers do not put anything in the eggs that could be a chocking hazard.**

What are you fun ideas for filling Easter eggs?

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