
Friday, July 8, 2011

72 hour kits

Having a 72 hour kit on hand for every member of your family is a great way to be prepared. You never know when and where a natural disaster will happen, your house will catch on fire, you will lose your job, etc. So lets spend a Monday evening helping our family learn about preparedness and starting our 72 hour kits.

My family used old school backpacks to store our kits in. Each member of the family had one. This way if we ever got separated everyone will have what they needed. You can pack in a duffel bag, luggage bag, plastic containers, etc., whatever works best for you and your family. It just needs to be portable.

Here is a list of items you may need/want in your 72 hour kits. Remember you want to pack as light as you possibly can; you may be caring your kit for a long way. Pack smart and with the essentials. The adults and older children can carry more and may need to take some of the elderly or children's gear.

Bedding & clothing:
*Change of clothes: long sleeve shirt, short sleeve shirt, pants, socks, underwear, hat, jacket, gloves, sturdy shoes, etc. (one complete outfit)
*Rain poncho or jacket
*Emergency heat blankets
*Cloth sheet
*Plastic sheet/tent
*Sleeping bag/wool blanket
*Hand and body heating packs

Fuel & lighting:
*Flashlights with batteries
*Lanterns with batteries
*Extra batteries
*Water proof matches

*Radio with batteries
*Pocket knife
*Pen and paper
*Duct tape
*Sewing kit
*Toilet paper
*Toothbrush & paste
*Hand sanitizer
*Hair brush or comb
*Insect repellent
*Local map

Personal documents & money:
*Patriarchal blessing
*Legal documents: (birth/marriage certificates, passport, wills, bank info, etc.)
*Vaccination records
*Insurance policies
*Cash in small bills (at least $20), include quarters for phone calls
*Credit cards
*Pre-pay phone cards

Food & Water:
*Enough water for 3 days per person (1 gallon or as much as they can carry)
*Water purification method
*Can opener
*Eating utensils
*Light weight stove and fuel

Some menu ideas:
cereal with powdered milk
cup of fruit
fruit roll
granola bar
instant oatmeal

juice box or canned juice
hot chocolate mix

applesauce cup
beef jerky
cheese & crackers
cup of soup & saltine crackers
fruit cup
fruit snack
granola bar
nuts/sunflower seeds
pudding cup
trail mix

juice box or canned juice

applesauce cup
canned tuna, beans, turkey, Vienna sausages, sardines, etc.
fruit cup
fruit snacks
granola bar
nuts/sunflower seeds
pudding cup
stew/soup & saltine crackers

juice box or canned juice

applesauce cup
cheese and crackers
fruit cup
granola bars
nuts/sunflower seeds
pudding cup

Remember to plan for 3 days (9 meals total). Think of non perishable, quick and easy items. Will you need extra water? A can opener? Try MRE kits.

*UPDATE every 6 months! Make sure that all the food, water, medication, credit cards have not expired. Make sure all clothing still fits.
*Don't forget your stress relievers. Candy, toys, security blanket or item, etc.
*Use Ziploc bags to help contain items that may break or spill.
*If you have an infant pack necessary items such as diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, pacifier, etc.


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