
Monday, September 19, 2011


Yesterday in church we received another preparation handout; this one is about sanitation. I have never even thought about this so I hope you all read this important preparation message.

"Sanitation can be a monumental problem during an emergency if advanced preparations have not been made. Toilet facilities will not function if water has been cut off, as is usually the case in a disaster. Therefore, it is very wise to plan and to prepare an alternate (and portable) method of sanitation.

'When man is forced to adjust quickly from a civilized environment, with all its comforts, to an existence mush like that of a caveman, body systems are upset, and one often develops gastro-intestinal problmes which compound the problem of sanitation.'

"A person that went through a Midwest flood said that one of the greatest problems was sanitation. Accustomed to the convenience of modern facilities, people had made no emergency provisions, and this had a devastating effect on morale. Conditions rapidly became deplorable.

"When it is necessary to have an emergency toilet facility, care should be taken to keep the area clean and as odor-free as possible. Every time someone uses the 'toilet' he should pour a small amount of disinfectant (Clorox, lime, etc.) into the container to keep down odors and germs.

"Individual privacy is important. Screen temporary toilet facilities from view by hanging a blanket, sheet, canvas, plastic sheet, or tarp.
  • If damage in the water lines is suspected, do not flush toilets. Turn off water at the main valve so polluted water does not enter your water system.
  • (Suggestion for swimming pool owners-pool water can be used to flush toilets if water is turned off at the main valve, providing sewer lines are undamaged.)
"A makeshift toilet:
1. Covered container for bathroom, such as a sturdy bucket or small trash can with tight-fitting lid and good supple of plastic bag liners. Improvised toilet seat.
2. Soil bags: Paper sack inside a paper sack filled with shredded newspaper.
3. Collapsible camping toilet, which uses plastic bags. OR
Small portable potty. OR
Plastic bedpan.

Clorox (bleach), household disinfectant, deodorant, insecticides (may be added to sewer)
RE-sealable plastic bags-can be used and sealed
Large trash bags = Make sanitary receptacles for the smaller bags. Keep in large covered trash cans until disposal time.
Large metal or plastic trash cans-for human waste and garbage. Be sure to have lids.
Hygiene supplies-toilet paper, wipes, hand sanitizer, soap, etc.
Folding camp shovel with serrated cutting edge-for digging latrines and disposing of waste."

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