
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Wow! I am so honored to have been nominated by Bear Rabbit Bear for the Versatile Blogger Award!

I have been blogging for 6 months! I love it! I have also enjoyed the blogging community and collecting great ideas from so many different blogs. I can't wait for the holiday season to come so I have an excuse to craft away!

Here are the rules to accepting this award:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Nominate 15 versatile blogs you have been enjoying lately

I am so excited to be accepting this award. So of course I thanked Melanie from Bear Rabbit Bear for this award!

As for 7 things about myself:
1. I am a wife to the most amazing husband!
2. I am a mother to an adorable (and recently mobile) 9 month old son!
3. I love the great outdoors. I love hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, etc.
4. I love crafting. I may not be Martha Stewart, but I love trying to decorate my home.
5. My husband and I are currently "shopping" for our first home!
6. I love reading! My favorite books are found at Desert Book store. I love Fire of the Covenant, The Work and the Glory series, Fishers of Men series and so many more.
7. I am currently planning 3 parties: a Winnie the pooh baby shower for my sweet sister-in-law, a bridal shower for my other sister-in-law and a prince party for my son's first birthday!

My 15 Versitle Blog Nominations:

I hope you have a chance to check them out!


  1. Erica thank you SO much for nominating my blog! I am truly honored :) Can't wait to check out all the other nominees & nominate some myself! THANK YOU!!!

  2. Thanks for the award! Truly Appreciated!

  3. Thank you for the kind award! We really appreciate it! Can't wait to share it with our readers. Thank you!


  4. Thank you so much. I love this award. IT makes me happy. :)

