
Sunday, May 8, 2011

50's Birthday Party

I hope you all had a great weekend! And a happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers and future mothers! If your children, family, and/or husband made you a wonderful gift for Mother's Day send us pictures by emailing me at doodlesanddoilies (at) gmail (dot) com.

This weekend my sister and I put together a 50's birthday party for our parents. And I wanted to share it with you today.


To see the pom-pom tutorial go here.
We even had live music from my sister Kerrie and her friend JD. Check out some of her music here.
Taking pictures with the 50's car! All of the guest put on some sunglasses and got their picture taken...a fun way to say thank you for coming to the party!

For those of you participating the Doodles and Doilies quest for a clean home this is a reminder to do your monthly cleaning! To see the cleaning checklist go here.

Don't forget to enter the Scentsy Buddy and fragrance giveaway! And be sure to tell your friends!


  1. you are super talented! The party looks like a blast from the past!!! haha

  2. Thank you Sara! It was a really fun party.

  3. You had some great ideas...doing a 50's theme birthday for my daughter's 21st...where did you get the pink car? Thanks for sharing:)

  4. Michelle...thanks for your comments! I hope your party turns out great! I got the car from Zurchers party store.
