
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Getting to know your better half

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our anniversary!
So, today I wanted to share an article by Brent A. Barlow called Getting to Know Your Spouse Better. You can find the rest of the article here.

I tried finding questions that we could ask one another besides the traditional ones that we already know. However if you are in a relationship or on a date these questions from "Start with a date" might be fun for you, check them out here.

Barlow said, "To assist in marital communication, try the following exercise together. Allow yourselves sufficient time when there will be no interruptions. You might wish to divide the exercise into several sessions, considering two or three statements at each session. First, respond individually in writing to the statements. Then exchange papers and talk about what you've written. Don't try to review your responses simultaneously. While one of you is reading or speaking, the other should listen or ask clarifying questions. Then switch roles.

In our marriage,
1. I feel loved when you...
2. I feel appreciated when you...
3. I am happiest when...
4. I am saddest when...
5. I am angriest when...
6. I would like more..
7. I would like less...
8. I feel awkward when...
9. I feel uneasy when...
10. I feel excited when..
11. I feel close to you when...
12. I feel distant from you when...
13. My greatest concern/fear about our marriage is...
14. What I like most about myself is...
15. What I dislike most about myself is...
16. The feelings that I have the most difficulty sharing with you are...
17. The feelings that I can share most easily with you are...
18. Our marriage could be greatly improved with just a little effort if we...
19. The one thing in our marriage that needs the most immediate attention is...
20. The best thing about our marriage is..."

Okay, I know what you are thinking. These are some really deep questions and answers. So I have a few of my own that I think would be fun to discuss.

My favorite date with you is/was...
In my spare time I like to...
As a family I like to...
I wish we could do/go _____ more often...
I love you with all of my heart because...

And remember these answers that you will be hearing are what your spouse is feelings. Try not to get angry with their answers. Hold hands if it helps.

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