
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Delight Me Link Up Party!

Welcome to the 7th Delight Me party!

There were so many great link up last week and so many visits; thank you! So let's check out the most visit links from last weeks party.

Bear Rabbit Bear shared this fun DIY Minnie Mouse party. Go check it out to see more decorations and party games.

Celeste at Here in the Waiting Place gave us so many different felt/fabric flower tutorials. You have to go check them out.

Now on to the party!

Thanks for stopping by and linking up! Come back next week to see who was visited the most! Have fun!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Delight Me Link Up Party!

Welcome to the 6th Delight Me party!

First let's check the most visited post from last week.

Bear Rabbit Bear shared with us her successful wrap skirt! She was able to conquer sewing and make this adorable skirt for herself.
Now on to the party!

Thank you for stopping by and linking up! Come back next week to see who was visited the most! Have fun!

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Monday, September 19, 2011


Yesterday in church we received another preparation handout; this one is about sanitation. I have never even thought about this so I hope you all read this important preparation message.

"Sanitation can be a monumental problem during an emergency if advanced preparations have not been made. Toilet facilities will not function if water has been cut off, as is usually the case in a disaster. Therefore, it is very wise to plan and to prepare an alternate (and portable) method of sanitation.

'When man is forced to adjust quickly from a civilized environment, with all its comforts, to an existence mush like that of a caveman, body systems are upset, and one often develops gastro-intestinal problmes which compound the problem of sanitation.'

"A person that went through a Midwest flood said that one of the greatest problems was sanitation. Accustomed to the convenience of modern facilities, people had made no emergency provisions, and this had a devastating effect on morale. Conditions rapidly became deplorable.

"When it is necessary to have an emergency toilet facility, care should be taken to keep the area clean and as odor-free as possible. Every time someone uses the 'toilet' he should pour a small amount of disinfectant (Clorox, lime, etc.) into the container to keep down odors and germs.

"Individual privacy is important. Screen temporary toilet facilities from view by hanging a blanket, sheet, canvas, plastic sheet, or tarp.
  • If damage in the water lines is suspected, do not flush toilets. Turn off water at the main valve so polluted water does not enter your water system.
  • (Suggestion for swimming pool owners-pool water can be used to flush toilets if water is turned off at the main valve, providing sewer lines are undamaged.)
"A makeshift toilet:
1. Covered container for bathroom, such as a sturdy bucket or small trash can with tight-fitting lid and good supple of plastic bag liners. Improvised toilet seat.
2. Soil bags: Paper sack inside a paper sack filled with shredded newspaper.
3. Collapsible camping toilet, which uses plastic bags. OR
Small portable potty. OR
Plastic bedpan.

Clorox (bleach), household disinfectant, deodorant, insecticides (may be added to sewer)
RE-sealable plastic bags-can be used and sealed
Large trash bags = Make sanitary receptacles for the smaller bags. Keep in large covered trash cans until disposal time.
Large metal or plastic trash cans-for human waste and garbage. Be sure to have lids.
Hygiene supplies-toilet paper, wipes, hand sanitizer, soap, etc.
Folding camp shovel with serrated cutting edge-for digging latrines and disposing of waste."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


You have probably noticed that my posts have been slacking lately. That is because I have been working on some major projects and spending time with my son lately. So, I thought I would let you know what you should look forward too.

Winnie The Pooh Baby Shower
*Crib bumper
*Baby quilt
*Burp clothes

Prince Birthday Party

Bridal Shower

Halloween costumes

Christmas Book

Monday, September 12, 2011

Delight Me Link Up Party

Welcome to the 5th Delight Me party!

First let's check out the most viewed post from last week.

Amber for Quilted Euphoria baked some yummy Trash-Talking Zucchinni bread last week. And when I say baked I mean freezer is full!

Now on to the party....

Thank you for stopping by and linking up! Come back next week to see how was visited the most. Have fun!

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Halloween costume dilemma

Okay so my husband and I tried coming up with our family Halloween costumes last night and we couldn't decide. So I am asking for your input.

Wendy (mom), Michael (dad) & John (baby) from Peter Pan

Barney (dad), Betty (mom) & Bam-Bam (baby) from the Flinstones

Han (dad), Leia (mom) & Chewy (baby) from Star Wars

Woody (dad), Jessie (mom) & Bullseye (baby) from Toy Story 2

Aladdin (dad), Jasmine (mom) and Abu (baby) from Aladdin

So tell us what you think we should dress up as. If you have other suggestions we would love to hear them as well.

And don't forget to email me at doodlesanddoilies if you are interested in participating in Spooktacular!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Calling all crafters, cooks, bakers, seamstresses, party planners and trick-or-treaters.

Doodles & Doilies is having its very first SPOOKTACULAR event and you are all invited to participate! That's right. Be a guest blogger or just show off a few pictures of your Halloween fun/creations. If you are interested email me at doodlesanddoilies(at)gmail(dot)com.

The DOODLES & DOILIES SPOOKTACULAR event will start October 1st and end October 31st.

Up to 31 guest bloggers will be chosen, so hurry and get your entries in and tell all of your friends!

Interested in becoming a sponsor find out more information here. Each Spooktacular post will have a special sponsor.

LDS Youth Carnival

In my church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) the youth participate in an activity every week. Yesterday my husband and other leaders put together a carnival for the all the youth (ages 12-18) in our ward. My husband said it was a lot of fun so I wanted to share the idea with you.

Each group of youth put together a station for the carnival. The leaders were in charge of running the stations while the youth participated in the various activities. Some of the stations were:

*Scripture chase
*Seek: scripture question game

*Donut eating contest
*Bean bag toss
*Target practice
*Dunk tank

At the beginning of the activity the youth were told what "prizes" they could have for the number of red or white tickets they collected. The youth received red or white tickets for each of the activities they participated in. The youth didn't know, but the object was to collect as many white tickets as you could. One leader was the "devil" and he would trade the youth red tickets for their white tickets. Another leader was the "holy ghost" and he would try to encourage the youth to collect as many white tickets as they could.

At the end of the night the youth were told that the "prizes" they won for the red tickets could not be taken with them when they "died" and those with only red tickets were in spirit prison (which was about 3/4 of the group). And those who had "prizes" for white tickets were able to take those with them when they died.

The youth loved this activity and I heard that none of them left and they were all engaged! Way to go!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Me A to Z

I found this cute A to Z get to know you game over at Jacque's Soda Parlor. I thought it would be a great idea for all of my new followers to get to know me a little bit better.

Jacque borrowed this idea from "A Girl with a Glue Gun", who borrowed it from "Crafty Soccer Mom", who copied it from "C.R.A.F.T.", who stole it from "Sweet November", who read it on "Along for the Ride", who got it from the "Wiegands".

A. age: twenty five. As my family says 'You're half way to 50.'

B. bed size: king!

C. chore you hate: dishes. Even with a dish washer the pile is still there.

D. dogs: none. We are renting an apartment. My son would love to have one, but I don't want to clean up after one.

E. essential start to your day: shower. I need a wake up call in the morning or else I am dragging all day.

F. favorite color: pink & green. The blog doesn't give it away does it?

G. gold or silver: silver

H. height: five seven (ish)

I. instruments you play: piano. I wish I played as well as my husbands family, but I am grateful that I know how.

J. job title: wife, mommy, homemaker, daughter, sister & granddaughter

K. kids: only one so far, he is nine & half months

L. likes: warm weather & the Christmas season. Opposites I know.

M. memory: my wedding & the birth of my son

N. nicknames: worm (wiggle worm)

O. overnight hospital stays: one night with my baby. My husband was sick so I was all alone.

P. pet peeve: bad drivers

Q: quote: "Hey Luc, is that guy botherin' you?" Joe Jr. from While You Were Sleeping

R. righty or lefty: righty

S. siblings: three. One brother & two sisters (all younger).

T. time you wake up: usually seven.

U. university attended: Brigham Young University - Idaho

V. vegetables you dislike: raw onions

W. what makes you run late: my baby's naps

X. x-rays you've had: only at the dentist

Y. yummy food: fruit & desserts

Z. zoo animals: giraffes & tigers

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Delight Me Link Up Party!

Welcome to the 4th Delight Me Party!

First let's check out these popular posts from last weeks party.

Joy*Us Designs created this adorable child's romper for her daughter!

Victoria from Vixen Made celebrated her daughter's 4th birthday with a pinkalicious party!

Now on to the party...
Thank you for stopping by and linking up! Come back next week to see who was visited the most. Have fun!


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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Wow! I am so honored to have been nominated by Bear Rabbit Bear for the Versatile Blogger Award!

I have been blogging for 6 months! I love it! I have also enjoyed the blogging community and collecting great ideas from so many different blogs. I can't wait for the holiday season to come so I have an excuse to craft away!

Here are the rules to accepting this award:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Nominate 15 versatile blogs you have been enjoying lately

I am so excited to be accepting this award. So of course I thanked Melanie from Bear Rabbit Bear for this award!

As for 7 things about myself:
1. I am a wife to the most amazing husband!
2. I am a mother to an adorable (and recently mobile) 9 month old son!
3. I love the great outdoors. I love hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, etc.
4. I love crafting. I may not be Martha Stewart, but I love trying to decorate my home.
5. My husband and I are currently "shopping" for our first home!
6. I love reading! My favorite books are found at Desert Book store. I love Fire of the Covenant, The Work and the Glory series, Fishers of Men series and so many more.
7. I am currently planning 3 parties: a Winnie the pooh baby shower for my sweet sister-in-law, a bridal shower for my other sister-in-law and a prince party for my son's first birthday!

My 15 Versitle Blog Nominations:

I hope you have a chance to check them out!

41 West Designs Winner!

Good morning Doodles & Doilies readers. It is September 1st which means it is time for a giveaway winner.

The winner of 41 West Designs Family Rules board is:

Megan Heywood said...
I started following you and I love the play harder family rules sign!

Congratulations Megan!

Please email Brittany at to claim your prize!

Please remember to follow all of the rules...unfortunately I had a winner who wasn't able to receive their prize because they didn't accomplish all of the mandatory entries.