
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Nursery Rhymes: Humpty Dumpty

My first lesson plan for the year! My children loved some of the activities and others weren't a hit.  If you have more ideas to add to the Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme theme please leave me a comment and I will add them. I am sure we can all benefit from each other by putting our heads together.

Nursery Rhymes

Subcategory: Humpty Dumpty
Color: white
Shape: oval
Number:  1
Letter: Hh
Opposite words:  up/down
Texture:  smooth

Art:  Fingerprint Humpty's: use fingers/thumbs as stamps to make eggs shapes.  Decorate your "Humpty's"; draw eyes, hair, ears, etc.

Books:  Humpty Dumpty books, Nursery Rhyme books, books about eggs

Cooking: Eggs gallore: how many ways can you cook an egg? (Boil, scramble, fry, pouch) 

Dramatic Play: 
        1. Kingdom: kings, queens, prince, princesses, jokers, dragons
        2. Cowboy: horses, cows, cowboys, cowgirls

Fine motor:
1.Put Humpty together again: white oval construction paper with zigzag lines; draw on Humpty's face, cut on lines, use band-aids to put Humpty together again. *idea found here
2.Tongs and Pom poms: Using tongs have child put pom poms into egg carton holes

Gross motor:  Jump: how high can you jump? how far can you jump? (measure in inches) jump on one foot, jump with both feet, jump forwards and backwards,

1. Rhymes: words that rhyme with wall (ball, call, tall, mall, fall). On a piece of paper make three columns. In the center column write the word "all" 6 times.  In the right column draw pictures for each of the rhyming words including "wall".  Help child name the picture and write in the left column the beginning letter for each picture.
2. Read or recite "Humpty Dumpty"
        3. Hh horses: Cut out "h", "H", and horse heads in brown, black, or white construction paper.  Decorate with yarn, googly eyes and markers to make horses. *idea found here

1. Egg Carton Shape toss: Draw shapes in each egg compartment in the egg carton.  Say a shape and have child toss coin, button, pom poms, etc. into the correct shape hole.
2. Plastic Egg Counting: Label plastic eggs with numbers 1-20.  Have child put the correct number of coins, buttons, pom poms, etc. into each egg.

Music: Egg shakers: fill plastic eggs with dry beans and hot glue shut...instant shakers.  Dance to music an use your shakers

Outside time: Humpty in the sand: Build walls in sand box and have plastic eggs to knock off the walls.

Science:  Floating eggs: have 2 cups filled with water, add 1 raw egg to each.  Have child add salt to one of the cups.  What happens? * idea found here

1. Playdough Humpty's: Make eggs and walls with playdough.  Add people and hourses. Reenact "Humpty Dumpty"
2. Blocks, plastic eggs, horses in sensory bin

If you liked this Nursery Rhyme theme check out my others:
Three Little Kittens
Mary Had a Little Lamb

Click here for more theme ideas

Need help getting started? Click here to see how to put together your weekly lesson plan.

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