I am so excited to introduce to you my new friend and new sponsor Amber from Quilted Euphoria. I luckily bumped into her a couple of weeks ago when I saw her super cute beach bag!

What do you think?! Super cute! Click here to see her Summer Fun Beach Bag blog post!
I want Amber to introduce herself and then we will tell you all about her shop & giveaway!!!
Hello everyone, my name is Amber and I'm a quilt addict! I run a little blog space over at Quilted Euphoria.
I have been married to my best friend for four and a half years, and even though we drive each other crazy, (he leaves his socks on the couch...) we still somehow, want to be around each other all the time! (don't ask me how or why, you'll get a blank look...) He's from Tennessee and I'm from Utah, so we have family in both places. We just moved back to Utah after living in Tennessee for four years. I'm glad to be back but I miss my TN family a lot. So I quilt to deal with that...well...I quilt for all kinds of reasons really, this is just the one I'm using today. :-)
I started falling in love with quilting at a young age. My grandmother made me quilts for all occasions, and I remember becoming fascinated with her process early on. My very first quilt that I did myself was made when I was 19 out of leftover pioneer dress fabric. I then caught the sickness and started making many more. I decided to turn my love of quilting into a business as a way to supplement my husband's income after I got married, and have been going full steam ahead ever since.
I started this blog as a way to share my addiction with everyone I meet! I wanted to get my name out there, promote my business and turn doing what I love my way of life. But mostly, I just want to share the quilting addiction! As much as I love quilting, I also love making all kinds of things with fabric. Tote bags, pillows, aprons, table runners, you name it! My husband is baffled by this as I'm not patient in anything else in life, yet I craft and quilt! (He calls me his walking - quilting oxymoron!) I can't help it, there's just something so addicting about cutting up perfectly good pieces of fabric and sewing them back together again. I will never understand it; I just give in to it!
I love meeting new friends in real life and in my blogging life. So I'd love to have you come over to my blog, read, stay and become a follower (I promise, I won't make you eat a raw chicken or anything...at least not on your first visit!)
I hope to get to know all of you better, & thanks for stopping in!
I hope that we can all get to know Amber a little bit better!
So let's see some of the fabulous things Amber has in her shop!

Adorable girl & boy frog quilts!

Beautiful tote bags!
Quilts, throw pillows, table runners, grocery sack space saver, and so much more!!!
To see her quilt pricing go here.
Okay now it is time for the GIVEAWAY!!!
Amber is going to generously give a $10 credit to her Quilted Euphoria Etsy Shop and free shipping to one lucky reader!!! I know you are super excited to enter (I want to enter!), but let's review the entry details first:
3 Mandatory entries:
1. Visit the Quilted Euphoria Etsy Shop; come back and leave a comment telling us what your favorite item is!
2. Follow Amber's Quilted Euphoria blog (1 comment)
3. Follow Doodles & Doilies (1 comment)
*You can still become a follower even if you don't have a blog.
Additional entries:
1. Blog about this giveaway (1 comment)
2. Facebook about this giveaway (1 comment)
3. Tweet about this giveaway (1 comment)
4. Like Quilted Euphoria on Facebook (1 comment)
5. Buy from Quilted Euphoria (leave 5 comments if you make a purchase)
Amber is even giving ALL OF YOU a 15% discount on anything in her Etsy Shop!!! Email her at amber(at)ejol(dot)net to get the coupon code! That makes for an easy 5 extra enteries don't you think!
The giveaway will start on August 2, 2011 and last two weeks so enter today and tell all of your friends about it. The giveaway ends August 16, 2011 at midnight. The winner will be announced here on August 17th! The winner will have 48 hours to email Amber to claim their prize. If they fail to do so another winner will be chosen.
*Winner must be a follower of both blogs.
Good luck!
I like the Kitchen Sink Beach Bag(:
I follow doodlesanddoilles!
ReplyDeleteI follow Quilted Euphoria!
ReplyDeleteI like the dragonfly totebag
ReplyDeleteI follow Doodles & Doilies
ReplyDeleteI am a new follower of Quilted Euphoria!
ReplyDeleteLove the "Music Medly Lap Quilt!"
Following Quilted Euphoria blog on GFC (Mimi Avila)
Following Doodles & Doilies GFC (Mimi Avila)
Shared on FB
Liked Quilted Euphoria on Facebook (Mimi Avila)
I like the Strawberry Heart Totebag!
Following Doodles & Doilies on GFC
Following the Quilted Euphoria blog on GFC
I like the Kitchen Sink Beach Bag and the Fabulous Boy Frog Quilt. (I couldn't pick just one!)
Following Quilted Euphoria.
Follower of Doodles & Doilies.
super cute items on the shop. my faves are the mini pillows. i really love the purple one :]
ReplyDeletepunkme15 at gmail dot com
im a GFC follower of http://quiltedeuphoria.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteGFC: Jel
punkme15 at gmail dot com
im a GFC follower of http://doodlesanddoilies.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteGFC: Jel
punkme15 at gmail dot com
shared on my blog at http://fashionandbeautynoobie.tumblr.com/post/8513461389/win-10-gc-to-quilted-euphoria
ReplyDeletepunkme15 at gmail dot com
im an FB fan of Quilted Euphoria
ReplyDeleteFB Name: Maggy Diaz Oro
punkme15 at gmail dot com
fb shared: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=157103381034615&id=100002184952335
ReplyDeletepunkme5 at gmail dot com
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/jelaiii_x/status/99477718822961152
ReplyDeletepunkme5 at gmail dot com
I visited Quilted Euphoria Etsy Shop and Travel Mini Size Pillow ---Brown Cats is my favorite!
I Love Making Hair Bows!
I followed ~Quilted Euphoria~ via GFC!
I Love Making Hair Bows!
I followed Doodles and Doilies via GFC!
I Love Making Hair Bows!
I liked Quilted Euphoria on FB!
I Love Making Hair Bows!
ReplyDeleteSummer ready!
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
following quilted euphoria blog via gfc as khrista porcadilla/fellow rover.
ReplyDeletekhrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
following your blog via gfc as khrista porcadilla/fellow rover.
ReplyDeletekhrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeletekhrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
i like the dancing frogs quilt
follow amber's blog gfc
follow doodles & doilies gfc
I like her Quilted Coaster Sets!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I follow the Quilted Euphoria blog via GFC: allibrary.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I follow Doodles and Doilies via GFC: allibrary.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com