Hooray! Today is the first day of Children's Month on Doodles & Doilies! We are going to start off with those days that, in my opinion, create the most boredom...bad weather.
I feel that children learn best through play and hands on experiences. As adults we can help children learn more by asking the right questions and providing opportunities for growth.
I feel that children should explore & do things themselves (with adult supervision if needed). So, I have three main rules for children to follow, they are:
Don't harm yourself
Don't harm someone else
Don't harm things
So let the summer begin!
*The water cycle.
*What is water used for?
*Where is water found?
*How do you purify water?
*When it is raining what should we wear?
*Splash in the puddles!
*Sink or float: put water into the bathtub or a large bowl add things that sink or float. Plastic toy boats, rubber ducks, cork, rocks, wood, marbles, coins, etc.
*Ice cube melt: each team has one ice cube the same size. Hold the ice cube in your hand until it is too cold and you need to pass it to your teammate. First team with a melted ice cube wins.
*Collect the rain: put a container outside to collect the water. When it is done raining see how much water is in the can. How deep does the water measure?
*Collect water on a penny: using a dropper, how many drops of water can you get to stay on the flat surface of a penny?
*Watermelon creation: what can you make with a watermelon? It is a summer time Halloween project.
*Draw with chalk: on a wet sidewalk draw with chalk
You will need: paper towel tube or wrapping paper tube; aluminum foil; dried beans, rice, or small pasta; glue; brown paper bag or construction paper; scissors; crayons, markers, construction paper, etc. to decorate
Directions: go here
*WATER CYCLE: You can make a poster board showing how the rain falls (precipitation), evaporates (or transpiration from vegetation), forms clouds (condensation), and then repeats.
*WEATHER BOOK/CALENDAR: Record the weather. Have pictures of the sun, clouds, rain drops, snow flakes, hale, wind, etc. Each day have your child pick out the picture the best describes the weather outside. If you are doing a calendar have the child place the picture on the correct day. If you are making a book you can glue the picture on a page or draw a picture of the weather. Don't forget to write about the weather in your book. What activities did you do because of the weather?
*PAPER BOATS: Using your imagination make paper boats. Try different types of paper (construction, card stock, computer, newspaper, etc.) & see which one floats the best. Make it into a race. Fill up a small plastic swimming pool, put your paper boat in & using straws blow your boat across.
*Water vs. oil: In a clear plastic bottle add water (1/3 full). Dye with food coloring. Mix well. Then add oil (until the bottle is to 2/3 full). Why don't they blend?
It's raining, it's pouring
The little cloud said
It's raining, it's pouring
On top of _____ head.
(have the nozzle of the squirt bottle sticking through the hole in the "cloud" & mist some water onto _____ head)
Rain, rain go away.
Come again another day.
Daddy (mommy, brother, sister, baby, all the family) wants to play.
Rain, rain go away.
It's raining it's pouring;
The old man is snoring.
Bumped his head
And he went to bed
And he couldn't get up in the morning.
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun that dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
If all the raindrops
Were lemondrops and gumdrops
Oh, what a rain that would be!
Standing outside, with my mouth open wide
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
If all the raindrops
Were lemondrops and gumdrops
Oh, what a rain that would be!
If all the snowflakes
Were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh, what a snow that would be!
Standing outside, with my mouth open wide
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
If all the snowflakes
Were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh, what a snow that would be!
If all the sunbeams
Were bubblegum and ice cream
Oh, what a sun that would be!
Standing outside, with my mouth open wide
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
If all the sunbeams
Were bubblegum and ice cream
Oh, what a sun that would be!
*Rainy Day Kate by Lenore Blegvad
*Red Rubber Boot Day by Mary Lyn Ray
*Who Likes Rain? by Wong Herbert Yee
*The Magic School Bus: Ups and Downs by Joanna Cole
*You can have: watermelon, water (make Kool-aid), snow-cones, etc.
*Watermelon smoothies: go here
*Watermelon pop stars: go here
*Kool-aid popsicles: pour Kool-aid into popsicle molds. Let them freeze for a few hours and enjoy!
*How do you make mud?
*What is mud brick? Check out this website for more information. Try making your own mud bricks.
*Mud pies: you may even want to add playdough toys like cookie cutters, rolling pins, etc.
*Mud castles: add sand toys if you want
*Mud drawings: just need some paper and mud or do mud drawings on the sidewalk
*Dirt & Water: in a sensory table or large bowls have dirt & water. Add sand toys and watch your children get creative.
*Walk bare feet through the mud
*Paint with chocolate pudding
*Stick in the mud (a tag game): go here. You will need a really big room if you are going to be playing inside.
*Animal tracks: what until it has stopped raining (unless if you are brave enough to go out in the rain) and look for animal tracks
*Examine mud: using a magnifying glass look at mud. What do you see in it?
Here are some cute songs about mud I found by Dr. Hole. Check them out here.
*Mud by Mary Lyn Ray
*Mud Puddle by Robert N. Munsch
*Cup of dirt:
Directions: make pudding according to package instructions, fill serving bowls half way with pudding, put in a couple of gummy worms, add
more pudding, add worm on top
and cover pudding with crushed chocolate cookie crumbs.
*No Bake Cookies (mud piles): go here.
*Mississippi Mud Cookies (another no back cookie recipe): go here.
*Chocolate pudding: follow the instructions on the box
The information listed is for all different ages. Please use age appropriate activities with your children.
Remember you can add all of your ideas to Children's Month, just email me at doodlesanddoilies(at)gmail(dot)com.
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